Thursday, May 21, 2009

3 Home Remedies to Cure Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is an illness that's derivative of the Candida species. It is most typical to ladies and is made evident by the presence of thick white vaginal discharge, agony during urination, itchiness, and discomfort during intercourse. Yeast infection is a very discomforting disease to anyone that has it. Moreover, having this disease causes one undue stress from embarrassment and from its negative results on a pair's intimacy. And while this fungal infection can occur often in ladies ; men and even babies can be afflicted with too. Getting the right treatment for this disease can be difficult. However, there are simple and effective techniques that you can do even in the comforts of your own house. Here are 3 home remedies that can help you deal with yeast infection in no time.


Who knew that yogurt can be more than a healthy snack, right? You see, yogurt is made up of acidophiles, which are a kind of hydrogen peroxide-producing bacteria. The hydrogen peroxide neutralizes the vagina's pH level, which in effect, kills the main culprit, the candia albican fungi.
When you decide to use yogurt, guarantee that is sugar free. You can use it immediately onto the exterior of the vagina or on the inside of the organ. Should you select the second strategy, use a tampon. Then, coat it with olive oil to stop the tampon from absorbing the yogurt. Leave the tampon in for several hours.


Being a weak type of acid, vinegar is instrumental in restoring the vagina's neutrality. To do this, prepare a tub crammed with water with some drops of vinegar dropped into it. Then sit exposed in it for a certain period. The vinegar works by entering the vagina and murdering the fungus.


Garlic deters more than just vampires. On a more serious note, though, garlic is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that kills candida and does away with the illness's symptoms fast. To do this, take a clove of garlic and enfold it in a gauze or cheese fabric. Coat it in olive oil, to help with the lubrication, before inserting it into the vagina.

So, now you see you need not look far when on the lookout for methods to treat the condition. With medication and a healthful diet, incorporating these home remedies will lead you on your way to a quick recovery from yeast infection.

There are a lot effective remedies for yeast infection, visit our wesbite candida cure to learn more.

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3 Home Remedies to Cure Yeast Infection
Cure Yeast Infection with These 3 Home Remedies